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    Exam Results and Ofsted Reports

    Chace Community School Examination Results and OFSTED Reports

    In this section you will find our recent examination results and historical OFSTED reports.

    Behind Every Grade is a Story

    Daisy achieved excellent A Level grades:

    • Religious Studies; Philosophy and Ethics: A
    • Government and Politics: B
    • Photography: B

    Daisy has consistently worked hard with a quiet determination. She is looking forward to beginning her studies at Liverpool Hope University, studying Philosophy, Ethics and Religion.

    ‘I look forward to being able to expand my knowledge of philosophy at uni and seeing the impact it has on the world.’

    Mrs Roper was Daisy’s Head of Sixth Form and one of her Philosophy teachers: ‘It was a genuine pleasure to teach Daisy. She is a very
    reflective person, and her confidence in Philosophy flourished over the last 2 years. Her consistent determination to succeed was evident throughout the course. I wish her all of the best in her future studies – the world definitely needs more thinkers and philosophers!’

    Behind Every Grade is a Story

    Congratulations to Lenna on her recent excellent results:

    • BTEC Sports: Distinction*/Distinction
    • Psychology: C

    We also wish her the very best in her first season as a professional football player with Tottenham Hotspur. She has worked so hard this year, balancing her studies alongside footballing commitments and we couldn’t be more proud. #COYS

    Behind Every Grade is a Story

    David was awarded excellent A Level results:

    • Maths A*
    • Chemistry A
    • Physics A.

    He achieved an impressive 90% in his Maths A Level.

    David says: “After a great 7 years at Chace, I leave the community to study Aerospace Engineering at Queen Mary University of London.”

    Mr Jones, Assistant Headteacher, has worked closely with him throughout this time at Student Council and as one of his Maths and Physics teachers:
    “David has consistently achieved academic excellence throughout his time with us. However, he has also been an active part of the school community, especially through the Student Council and then as one of our Head Students.”

    We wish him all the best for the future as an Aerospace Engineer. Congratulations!

    KS4 Results 2017 2018 2019 2023
    Number on Roll 210 200 201 192
    %Achieving Grade 5+ in English and Mathematics 23 31 35 37
    %Achieving Grade 4+ in English and Mathematics 46 47 57 59
    Attainment 8 39.33 42.65 43.92 41.92
    Attainment 8 English 8.93 9.04 9.57 8.97
    Attainment 8 Mathematics 7.06 7.40 8.09 8.60
    Attainment 8 – EBacc 10.90 12.39 12.45 12.19
    Attainment 8 – Open 12.44 13,83 13.81 12.15
    EBacc APS N/A 3.75 3.87 3.72

    Congratulations to our top performers in their Year 11 exams this year.

    KS5 Results

    A Level 2017 2018 2019 2023
    %A*-A 14 12 9 14
    %A*-B 44 33 35 34
    %A*-C 78 63 63 65
    %A*-E 100 92 98 95
    BTEC Double Award   2018 2019 2023
    %D*D*-DD   75 50 43
    %D*D*-MM   100 100 71
    %D*D*-PP   100 100 100
    BTEC Single Award   2018 2019 2023
    %D*-D   44 34 34
    %D*-M   94 89 61
    %D*-P   100 98 97

    We are all incredibly proud of our A Level and BTEC students who recently received their results. In a turbulent time in education, their resilience and determination has paid off. The Average Points Score at A Level has improved since 2019, with an increase in A and A* grades of nearly 4%, as well as an increase in A*-C grades.

    It is always exciting to hear of the wide range of opportunities our students are moving on to, including: Law, Art foundation, Neuroscience & Psychology, Education, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Midwifery, Philosophy & Theology, Sociology & Criminology, Airport Management and much more besides. Students are also taking up a wide range of apprenticeships, including software engineering, real estate and engineering with Formula One Mercedes. We also wish our professional footballer all the best for the upcoming season.

    Congratulations, Class of 2023. All the very best for the future. Team Chace are so proud of you.

    Below you will find links to our historical OFSTED reports and the DFE performance tables

    Ofsted Report April 2022

    To visit the DFE Performance Tables, please see: