Medical Protocol
As young adults, sixth form students are expected to manage their health in preparation for independent living and the world of work. There are rare occasions where students may require medical attention in school:
Reasons to attend Medical: |
Speak to the Sixth Form team if: |
Students will not be sent home for minor ailments like feeling sick or having a headache and should not attend Medical for this purpose. As students are over 16, they are able to manage over-counter pain medication without parental consent. |
What if there is no one in Medical?
In the case of an emergency, alert another member of staff. You MUST NOT go home without permission if you have timetabled lessons as we need to contact home to inform them.
Why do you need to contact parents if I need to go home?
You are under our care. A parent/carer is expecting you to be at school, and we always contact them if there are any changes to this. What’s more, if you are feeling unwell, we want to check you are ok!