Year 12 had a great day at the University of Hertfordshire, exploring a range of future options. #Chacecommunityschool #sixthform #Excellencehasnolimits
Great selection of Year 8 home learning. The task was to draw something you love or really don't like. Excellent understanding of composition. #art #chacecommunnity #artclub #excellencehasnolimits
There are 2 days left for sixth form applications. Well done to the 150 of you who have applied - but 82 still haven't finished your applications! We will shortly be starting sixth form interviews and look forward to discussing your next steps.
Year 7 and 8 recently made Teriyaki salmon, they made their own marinade for the salmon which they baked in the oven and cooked rice to go with it, using the absorption method.
A delicious, high protein, easy and quick to cook dish.
Congratulations to Daniele Caudullo in year 11 for designing an inspirational flag "in the interests of all mankind!" for the Antarctic Flags Project, on behalf of UKPN.
Daniel's flag made it all the way to Antarctica with Alanna Grant a biogeochemistry field scientist for the UK Centre of Ecology and Hydrology and was photographed in Ryder Bay near Rothera Research Station. It has been on quite a journey!
#UKPolarNetwork #Fiona_616 #chacecommunityschool #excellencehasnolimits